& Rebellion

Art Direction | Web Design

LA-based retro-pop musicians Romance & Rebellion reached out to our marketing manager, Jillian Johnson, to create a website through GoDaddy. Being a bit of a music buff, I was pretty excited at the opportunity to work with a band with such a large social media following. I knew right off the bat that this project would be fun.

Project Brief

Before designing, we met with the Buy Native team to gather what they envisioned for their site. We started with a website builder site to capture new artisan members and generate traction within the native community. After 4 months of website traffic, they wanted to move toward the next phase in the process, WordPress.

My role as the designer and art director on this assignment was to convey their brand as modern and approachable. The goal was to bridge the gap between the younger and older generation so that anyone who approached the website would feel welcome joining the community.

“You’re the best. We’re obviously over the moon about the site. We loved working and continuing to work with you, so we’re stoked as can be!”

— Romance & Rebellion

Responsive Site

The guys at Romance & Rebellion’s image is constantly evolving. Their appearance, depending on the season, could look entirely different. So locking down a style for them initially was a challenge. My colleague Jillian helped narrow down their vision and vibe. She helped push the boundaries that Website Builder’s capability could handle, and turned out with a better result than we had imagined.

When we hopped on the Zoom call to review the band’s final design, they were so pumped. These guys were so fun to work with the entire time and incredibly gracious throughout the process. Now the site is launched, and we all were happy with the result. I couldn’t have done it without this team!


“That’s all the team over at @Godaddy!!!! They make every step of the process so streamlined and easy @carlyreigel @jillisays @dayyumdaddy”

Romance & Rebellion

The band was so excited by their site launch that they featured their new hero image on both social media platforms such as Instagram and Spotify. 

Team Credits:

Jillian Johnson (Sr. Marketing Manager), Brandon Baxter (GoDaddy Guide) and Laurie Bloom (Project Manager).


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